“When anxious, uneasy and bad thoughts come, I go to the sea, and the sea drowns them out with its great wide sounds, cleanses me with its noise, and imposes a rhythm upon everything in me that is bewildered and confused.” Rainer Maria Rilke
Earthuncovered offers a range of Nature Based Therapeutic services within South Devon and Cornwall. Working one to one, with families, couples and groups. The therapeutic experience offers a safe space to explore, reflect, connect and play. Therapy can be offered within a traditional space such as a therapy room or outside such as in a forest, at the sea or in a park. Enjoying activities therapeutically such as walking, swimming, creating or something a little more adventurous, you choose.
EarthUncovered provides one-to-one therapy for children, young people, and adults. Your first sessions will focus on you getting to know and build trust with your therapist, set goals, and discover your chosen nature based / outdoor activity. Only then will we embark on your well-being journey together.
Safe compassionate connections with others supports long-term mental health. EarthUncovered provides an opportunity within a safe space for families and couples to explore, reflect and repair where needed your sense of connectivity, your attachment styles and sense of attunement to one another.
EarthUncovered’s group work, provides outdoor activities and nature based workshops for groups, e.g. care leavers, LGBT+ community, ethnic groups, young adults, elderly, men, women, foster care. To explore subjects like mental health, adulthood, sexual identity, resilience, or social connectivity .

My Approach
EarthUncovered’s methods are based on research highlighting the mental health benefits of a safe and trustworthy therapeutic relationship, and nature based activities such as walking in a forest, climbing trees, swimming in the sea, being with animals, or nurturing plants.
By creating a safe space outdoors, held together by a safe and trustworthy therapeutic relationship, EarthUncovered’s aim is help individuals, families, couples, and groups improve their long term mental health and well-being. Some of the ways we can achieve this is by:
- increasing self-awareness sometimes known as mindfulness
- improving emotional regulation
- reflecting on and repairing past and present traumas
- developing self-compassion and compassion for others
- learning new strategies to help us bounce back when under stress
- improving self esteem
- learning about our strengths, values and sense of purpose, or something else specific to you
Session Outline
Whether as an individual, family, or group, sessions provide a safe space for you to bring awareness to and become mindful of past experiences and how these experiences may impact your present moments. Your relationship with the therapist and the natural environment will provide feedback, a mirror, for you to develop a compassionate and mindful awareness of your internal world, your connections with others, and your connection to the environment. Through this process of mindful awareness we can develop strategies that repair the impact of past or present traumas, improve your ability to bounce back, your inner well-being, and how to maintain these strategies long after therapy ends, ensuring the long-term benefits to your mental health.
Nature Based Activities Explained
Nature based outdoor activities provide a safe playground to stretch comfort zones, experience risk, develop capacity to emotionally regulate such as anxiety management, and learn new skills and abilities. Whether activities are calm or super adventurous nature based outdoor experiences can be transformative, improving emotional regulation, self-awareness, expanding our sense of who we are, transforming thought processes, developing self-confidence, building resilience, and stretching capacity. When therapy is included into this process an opportunity is created for you to reflect upon and apply what is discovered, such as new strategies on managing the emotional impact of past traumas on day to day activities. What nature based activity we do is your choice and can change over the course of the therapy journey. Activities have been know to include walks inland or by the sea, paddle boarding, surfing, swimming, climbing, running, camping, all dependent on health, skill level, risk, and location.
Getting Started is Easy
Free 20 Min Chat
Feel free to call for an initial 20 min conversation, to discuss your needs and whether we can meet them
Book Appointment
If you are keen to just get started then call, email, complete the online form below, and I’ll be in touch.
1st Session!
Session one is a space to set your therapeutic goals to ensure we provide the best service for you.
Contact Me
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